Cleanup and remove those vCenter Server plugins that have errors

Do you have vCenter plugins that you need to get removed. Well here is a quick easy tip.

1. Open a web browser

2. Browse to http://vcenterserver/mob

3. Enter your vCenter username and password

4. Click the “content” link

5. Click the “ExtensionManager” link

6. Note which plugin you want to remove. It will be something like “com.vmware.vcops“.

7. Click the “UnregisterExtension” link. Another page will appear.

8. Enter the plugin name. ie. “com.vmware.vcops“. Then click the “Invoke Method” link

9. You should some feedback at the bottom of the same page. Something like “Method Invocation Result: void“.

10. Refresh the main “ExtensionManager” page and the plugin should disappear.

11. Last but not least, close and restart viclient session.