CategoryPackt Publishing $5 eBook Bonanza is here!
From the 18th of December till January 6th you can treat yourself to every eBook and video will be available on the Packt Publishing’s web..
Microsofts take on being VMLimited.
Microsoft seems to have something to say about being virtualization focused in a cloud age. Server virtualization alone does not make a cloud. Microsoft seems to be hinting that a certain company (VMware) is dishing out virtualization to it’s customers and calling it cloud.
Increase Storage on VMFS Datastore in vSphere 4
A video that shows how to increase storage on a VMFS datastore in vSphere 4.
vNetwork Distributed Switch 4.0 and 4.1
This video shows a quick overview of vNetwork Distributed Switch 4.0 to 4.1
Add a HP VSA to VMware Workstation
This video shows how to setup the HP VSA in VMware Workstation.
Citrix XenServer 5.6 Overview
Video overview of citrix xenserver
vSphere4.1 DirectoryServicesConfiguration
Shows how to configure directory services in vCenter 4.1
Howto Add a Distributed Switch in vCenter
Shows how to add a Distributed Switch in vCenter 4.x
Howto Add a nic to vSwitch
Shows how to add a nic a to a virtual switch in vCenter 4.x
Howto Add host to VMware vCenter 4
Shows how to add a esx host to vCenter 4.