TagApache CloudStack 4.4 with Advanced Networking Setup Pt. 2 - Installing Open vSwitch on CentOS 6.5
In this post I show how to install Open vSwitch on CentOS 6.5. This is the second post that gets into the Apache CloudStack 4.4 with..
CentOS Linux Template Networking Issue
If you have every created a linux virtual machine template you’ve probably experienced the issue where a new ethernet device would be created on each VM instance created from that template. For those that have not found the resolution to this problem are in for a treat if your working with CentOS or RHEL. All thats needed is to delete the “/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules” file right before you shutdown the vm and make it a template.
Get Openstack on CentOS and RHEL with RDO
So I have been struggling with the idea of getting to know Openstack in-depth because previous attempts quickly made me realize that it..
CloudStack: cloud-agent dead but subsys locked (continued)
I thought I’d continue on this topic for those who may be having different issues for the cloudstack-agent not starting. First thing you should do is check your logs and in one case I was able to reproduce this issue.
RDO has stepped up to the plate to simplify Openstack installations.
Finally there’s an easy way to deploy Openstack on Redhat and CentOS. RDO is a community of people using and deploying OpenStack on Red Hat and Red Hat-based platforms. I have always thought that it’s been much too complicated to install and setup Openstack and all it’s components. With RDO I was able to get an Openstack two node environment setup in my lab in roughly 30 minutes. There’s more to Openstack than just the installation and now that my time can be better spent on that other stuff.
Cloudstack 4.1 Host (Agent) Installation
CloudStack is now at 4.1 and there have been many changes. This means that the installation process has also changed so I wanted to update the process I outlined from a previous post (http://thehyperadvisor.com/?p=2093) for CloudStack 4.1. I will outline some of those changes, which is really only one for the kvm host server, to help you easily install CloudStack on CentOS. This post will focus on the kvm host server.
Cloudstack 4.1 Management Server Installation
CloudStack is now at 4.1 and there have been many changes. This means that the installation process has also changed so I wanted to update the process I outlined from a previous post (http://thehyperadvisor.com/?p=2059) for CloudStack 4.1. I will outline some of those changes to help you easily install CloudStack on CentOS. This post will focus on the management server.