Docker Containers and Apache Mesos
In the post Apache Mesos on Apache CloudStack we setup an Apache Mesos cluster with Marathon on the master nodes and Docker on the slave nodes. Now lets see how to deploy Docker containers using Mesos and Marathon. Marathon is basically used to schedule the docker containers on Mesos. This is done by sending a “POST” to the marathon api.
Terraform your Azure Infrastructure
Terraform makes it extremely easy to deploy vm instances on multiple providers like CloudStack, OpenStack, AWS, Azure and more by describing your complete infrastructure as code. You describe you infrastructure in configuration files “*.tf” for a simple or complex applications or deployments. Terraform then takes that configuration and creates an execution plan so that you can see what it’s going to do before it does it. As the configuration changes, Terraform is able to determine what changed and create incremental execution plans which can be applied. And when you need to tear down the deployed services it’s as easy “terraform destroy”.
Apache Mesos on Apache CloudStack
Mesos is an abstract layer for CPU, memory and storage resources. Its intended to be somewhat of a datacenter operating system (DCOS). Mesos is absolutely awesome and I wanted to mix it up with some other awesome technologies like CloudStack and Docker.
Deploying CloudStack has never been easier.
This version of cldstk-deploy has gotten some more features that your going to love.
How to install CoreOS on Cloudstack
If your looking to get CoreOS on CloudStack these instructions will show you how.
cldstk-deploy is getting its summer cleaning
cldstk-deploy is a tool I created with a main objective of making Apache Cloudstack deployments so simple a caveman could do it. I think in most cases I hit the mark but in my efforts to get it done quick I rushed the coding. So now I’ve been focusing on cleaning it up as much as possible.
Updated cldstk-deploy now supports Apache CloudStack 4.5
Over the weekend I update cldstk-deploy with support for deploying Apache CloudStack 4.5.1. I’ve also added a rpm build script that will b..
Azure Content Delivery Network
CDN is basically a distributed storage system used to deliver content over the Internet to end users. CDNs serve a large amount of the content on the Internet today. The main goal of a CDN is make access to a wide range of file types like text, graphics and videos as quick as possible.
Apache CloudStack 4.5.1 Announcement
The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the 4.5.1 release of the CloudStack, the cloud orchestration platform. The 4.5.1 release contains more than 500 bug fixes since the 4.4 release.
Are we on the brink of complete hardware commoditization?
Some will say hardware commoditization is here. The hardware I speak of, in general, is the computer components that make up compute, network and storage. I liked the tweet sent by John Troyer founder of TechReckoning a couple days ago. The tweet is shown below.